Saturday 11 May 2013

(9) Vintage

Researching Vintage Style and Design

Now that I know I want my magazine to be slightly vintage, I've been researching a range of artists, styles and font in order to gather some ideas for my new layouts. I've been looking at different kinds of layouts most of all!
Lately, I've been a very much inspired by the designs of modern art editors rather than the classic ones. I think that I'd rather have a  magazine that some vintage elements but with a modern layout. For example, I'm going to keep all of the images black and white, sepia etc and experiment with a variety of 1940-50s fonts. I've been looking at colour palettes firstly. This is so that I have an idea as to what colours will stand out on my magazine. Here's an example of the sort of palettes I've been considering:

The font that I have been looking at have been tall, thin and slightly condensed. I really like this look and I think it could appeal to wide audience seeing as it doesn't look too old fashioned. I'm going to try and experiment with a few of the fonts that I have found and see what happens with them. 

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