Wednesday 26 December 2012

13 Finalising My Editorial Project

Final Design For Editorial Project

I've finally finished my editorial project and created a short series of spreads including my front cover and back cover. Overall, I am somewhat satisfied with the turn out of my work. I would have liked if the spread was more vibrant and classy. But, with the way it looks, I believe that it may appeal to a very young audience such teenage girls. 

These were the spreads I was hoping to use for my final designs but I felt that they were too plain and simple for. For my final pieces, I decided to increase the size of my icons and spread them across the the left page. For thee Front cover, I made the collage slightly busier and increased the size of the images. As for the image with the woman, I decided not to use it and use my back up spread instead. 

Here's an image what my magazine spread turned out to look like. The images are simple, colourful and different. I would have loved if the front was a lot fuller and spread across both of the pages. 

My feedback for the spreads was exactly as I had expected it to be. I could have done a lot more to make the spreads look classy and "fashiony" but as I ran out of time, I became overwhelmed. 

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