Wednesday 26 December 2012

14. We've Gone Live!

Live Project

For the remained of the semester, we will be completing a live project. The project is based on a potential show for children ages 6 - 12 years old. The show will consist of out door activities such as sports and nature. So, we basically have to create a brand for the show that will go along with their outdoors theme. 

Logo design is not my forte.

Branding has never been of interest to me. I've always found it difficult to create logos and construct one simple simple that represents someone. When we ere introduced to the project, I wasn't exactly pleased, seeing as we had already covered branding in Year 1. 
Despite the fact I'm not too fund of the project, I decided to approach it with enthusiasm. I've already started conjuring up ideas for the logos and sub logos. 

Here are a few examples of the sort of logos that I will be looking at for inspiration. 

I've also been looking at a website that's filled with beautiful examples of logo designs. The site is called
So, I'll be using this site as inspiration also. 

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