Wednesday 26 December 2012

15. What Do Kids Like?


For the next few days, I'm going to spend time researching into the latest trends among children and children's media. I'm not entirely sure what kids are in to these days so I'm collecting a series of images and ideas that might help me understand what children are into. The images might inspire me to create something includes all of these things. I want to create a logo that kids will be able to relate to and familiarise themselves with. 

Here are a few images in fashion and music that I found.

I'm hoping to combine all of these sources to create something that kids will understand and easily recognise. I've decided to lean towards a sort of urban and graffiti style. Something that kids are used to seeing every time they step outside. Graffiti and urban art are the most popular with kids, so I'll try and create something along those lines. 

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