Wednesday 26 December 2012

16. Spray Painting Experiment

Initial Ideas
I was inspired to try this idea when doing some brief research about what children are into lately. I noticed that kids were very much interested in urban arts and music, I've decided to lean   towards that sort of style. 
In order to incorporate images of nature into the design, I decided to use an image of an animal paw. I chose a wild animal such a wolf and cut it out of a card board sheet in order to make a stencil. I wasn't entirely sure how the whole experiment might turn out but I thought it might still be interesting to try it out. 
I was given a few cans of spray paint and some A3 sheets of paper so that I spray paint my paw stencil. Here's how my images turned out:

As you can the results of my spray painted paws aren't so bad. I definitely had fun creating the paws and experimenting with colours. 
After I've done a few more during the week, I'll see how I can use them and edit them on Illustrator. I'm not sure if I'll be using the same colours as the ones in the actually paw prints but I do like how it turned out. Once I showed the results to my tutor, I was advised to create more paw prints that have more running paint in order to create a more messy effect. Too much of a neat image might not look as child friendly. 
I'm hoping to create an effect similar to this image. 

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