Sunday 21 April 2013

(1) Self Initiated Project 2013 !

Self Iniated Project

Alas, we've all been given the responsibility to create and complete our own projects. I have decided to create a 44-52 page magazine based on contemporary fashion. I thoroughly enjoyed the projects that we completed for our previous semester and to some extent, some of the work that we did influenced my decision to create a simple look book. 
I have been looking at sites from other universities that display their final major projects. One of the students was confident enough to create a 100 page magazine for her final major project before graduating. I thought that would be interested to see if could create something simpler for my second year project (with less pages obviously).
Although we haven't started yet, I've already gotten some ideas of my own. I have decided that I want my magazine to posses and almost vintage feel. I would like to contain vintage photography and resemble to work of some art editors from the 1930s. This is obviously going  to require some thorough research, but I'm very excited to get started!  
Here are some images of what I'd like my magazine to look like:

You can see from all of these images that I have a very specific idea for my project. I want simplicity but an eye-catching appearance.