Monday 20 February 2012

Smells Colourful (Perfume Box Designs) Week 4

Perfume Box Designs

For this next fortnight project, we've been researching into the idea of words and phrases relating to certain colours. Colour has the potential to associate itself to certain places, words and even objects. For this short project, we're expected to use our creative thinking in order to understand how colour can evoke certain reactions and feelings. In order to show our understanding of how this works, we must draw up a perfume boxes using a series of titles given to us. The colours within the boxes have to relate to the title of the perfume and this is something I found quite challenging. 
I did some brief research into the sort of perfume boxes that I'd like use use as inspiration and so far, I haven't found anything that particularly captures my interest. 
With this project, I haven't exactly produced as much as I should have, nor have I created anything that exciting or fully complete. So far, I've been experimenting with typeface and it's colours in order to get on with the project. I've decided to use the titles, Paris and Poison in order to designs some perfume boxes. I chose these titles for my designs because I knew it would give me the opportunity to create something classy and simple. 
Here's an example of some of the basic research I did. I found a few images of perfume bottles that were quite simple but still vibrant in colour and design. As you can see, I found a high-street perfume box design and thought it looked like exactly what I wanted to create. The colours are summery and soft which personally reminds me of Paris. Therefore, I thought I'd try to incorporate a similar design into my perfume box designs. As I mentioned before, I found this project was slightly tricky because we all view things differently. I may think that bright colours remind me of Paris, whilst someone else might not. 

Here are a few examples of the sort of boxes that I created this week. I chose to use patterns such as swirls and stripes because these are the sorts of designs that I've seen during my research. You can also see that I have chosen to work with both very bright colours as well as dark colours that I felt illustrated Paris quite well. I'm not as satisfied with the designs as I'd like to be. The typeface choices work well with the colours but the over look of the perfume boxes aren't as professional as I would like them to be. I'm definitely going to come back to this project again in order to create something more sophisticated and in relation to what the project specification actually requires. Overall, it was interesting to work with colours for this project but it not as simple as I had assumed it would be. 

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