Sunday 18 November 2012

1 Poster Design

Poster Design

For the next five weeks I'm going to be focusing on creating a poster for the Design Museum. This is basically an extension of our summer project based on typography and it's history. For my poster, I have decided to focus on illustrating the history and common opinions of Helvetica in my poster. Helvetica was the typeface that I spent most of my summer researching so I thought it would be appropriate to base my poster on it. 

So far I've only been able to rustle up a few ideas in my sketch book nothing particularly interesting has come to mind. For this project I'd really like to avoid using the computer as much as I possible can. This is because I believe that Graphics is more than just the digital process! I'd like to dabble in other areas of art in order to create my poster. Helvetica is known for being a simple and elegant font that's easy to read, common and corperate. Some have even gone as far as calling it "Dull", "Lifeless" and "Dead". 
At the moment, these are my current ideas

  • Sowing the word helvetica into cloth
I saw a design like this done by a previous design student last year and thought that I might experiment in this area (fashion & textiles). 
  • Creating 3D letters and covering them in thin red paint.
The red paint will represent blood and the 3D letters will represent liveliness. The whole piece will simply illustrate my thoughts on Helvetica and how I disagree with the opinion that "it's lifeless". 
  • Creating stencils and looking through the space.
Helvetica is also known as being "transparent" due to the fact that it's such a commonly used font that people hardly notice it anymore.
  • Creating my letters out of clay and then covering them in thin red paint. 
This is similar to my 3D letters idea. I'd like to try it with clay too because of how the print makers used to press letters into clay before modern production. Clay could also represent life in the same way Christians believe that the body was formed with clay.

I'm looking forward to the project!

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